Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24

Creative title, huh? So I'm not really one for blogging whole things (at least not without an outfit photo!) and I didn't want to completely bomb twitter with all my crazy thoughts. However there are little tidbits that come up during the day that I wanted to share/remember so I figure I could start "journaling" here. Prepare to be dazzled. :)

The US Navy warned today that due to joint exercise RIMPAC, some garage door openers may be affected.

They are making another 'Planes' movie. This one is called Search and Rescue. Cannot wait to see it. I really enjoyed the first one. It was really smart and I was thankful to be an aviator's wife to be able to get many of the references. I'm hoping the Navy/military will be prevalent in this one.

I passed the Hawaii MPJE so now I can be a pharmacist! Just pay for shipping and handling...:)

I went and saw the Edge of Tomorrow movie upon the recommendation of Pop Culture Happy Hour (PCHH- an awesome podcast BTW). It was pretty good, even though I had to watch it ALONE!

Started reading a book called something like A Brief History of the Middle East. I'm just in the introduction, but so far so good. The intro primarily focuses on Western infuences on the Middle East. One part is talking about headwear and saying that Western headwear didn't catch on despite Muslims wearing it as a sign of respect because of the brims that may hit the ground during their prayer.

I watched my first 2 episodes of Dr. Who last night. I can see while people like it. I'll probably watch a few more episodes, but I'll admit I'm not completely hooked yet.

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