Saturday, June 16, 2012

So it's been a while...

...about 2 and a half years.  Well my life has gone through many iterations in that time. Lets reflect some shall we?

When I last wrote I was about to start the Spring semester of my 3rd year of pharmacy school. I've since graduated and am about 2 weeks away from finishing up my residency. I'm sure I can rant about all of that later. I learned a lot from my residency, just not necessarily what I was expecting to. I have a sneaky suspicion that's how it usually goes.

Since that time we've also moved to beautiful Pensacola and bought another house. This one has a pool, which we just replaced the liner.

Other than that, life just continues to move on.

Now, my main motivation for rekindling this blog? PINTEREST! Hi, my name is Katy and I am addicted to Pinterest. It started out with a goal of finding ideas for decorating our mantle for holidays. I was not to be tempted by delicious looking food, or funny sayings, or amazing outfits, or photos of luxurious travel locations. Well food has quickly become a staple "pin" and I have boards for drinks, sweet treats and general food items. I still try to be good and pass on some of the sweet treats. I also have recently decided that my wardrobe needs redesigning, so I am on the hunt for good outfits which I could actually see myself wearing (all the better if it is a work outfit!).  I have created a board for some of the funny sayings, but for the most part I shy away from repinning those. And to date I have not created a travel locations board, however after my weekly email from Pinterest today I'm sorely tempted to start one!

Now how does all of this relate to this blog?  Well I have pictures of my mantle and other holiday ideas I've considered for my mantle. However, I don't have a way to get them on Pinterest. Thus, I hope to put the pictures up on this blog, Pin them to Pinterest and become wildly famous for my fantastic holiday mantle designs. Isn't that the American Dream? To become famous via Pinterest?

Anywhoo, I also anticipate ranting about pharmacy life...I'm always surprised about how little people know about pharmacy and what a pharmacist is and what we do.

So sit back and enjoy the ride!

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