Tuesday, December 4, 2012

PinFail? Washcloth cupcakes

So one of my friends...actually several of my friends...are pregnant! Yay! That means that we are just starting on the deluge of baby showers. I always see some of the cute diaper cakes and cupcakes and other amazing things. So I wanted to try it. However I'm not sure that I was very successful.

Here is a picture of the largest two:

 This is a picture of them on the side. The towels are orange/pink stripped (right) and hearts (left). The 'wrappers' are made from scrapbook paper.

This is the four of them together. The container is actually the end of a 12 pack of soda which I covered in pink paper. It was the perfect size to show them off. 

This was the mini gift for my friend at our work shower. For her main shower gift I got 3 baskets and filled them with different goodies (I forgot to take pictures!!)

Basket 1 Baby Bath time:

  • Baby Shampoo
  • Baby Body wash
  • Fun bath squirt toys
  • Washcloths
  • A water book
  • Rubber ducky that tells the temperature
Basket 2 Get Well Basket:
  • Infant acetaminophen
  • Infant ibuprofen
  • Saline nasal spray
  • Baby groomer/first aid kit
Basket 3 Clothing:
  • Onsies
  • Socks
I may be forgetting stuff, but that's most of it. It was a lot of fun buying all that fun stuff for her!

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